21OctoberJune 7, 2022 Session 19 & 20 Neither of us like flexion at the neck. We have tried all modifications and Client A has chosen to support... by kBarberPilatesin Uncategorized140
8OctoberJune 7, 2022 Sessions 11, 12 & 13 We are back on track. Not the ideal way to test out the 10,20,30 session experiment but in some ways... by kBarberPilatesin Uncategorized0
8OctoberJune 7, 2022 Resuming our sessions People often ask what the difference is between Pilates and yoga. The answer in a nutshell, is that Pilates offers... by kBarberPilatesin Uncategorized0
12SeptemberJune 7, 2022 6th session I will discuss the last few sessions in one blog. I planned to write after each session but sometimes life... by kBarberPilatesin Uncategorized0
3SeptemberJune 7, 2022 Second and Third Session On Thursday we had our second session. This is really good for both client and instructor as we both have... by kBarberPilatesin Uncategorized0
31AugustJune 7, 2022 First Session ” In 10 sessions, you feel better, 20 sessions you look better, 30 sessions you have a completely new body.”... by kBarberPilatesin Uncategorized0